Uttar Pradesh IAS Association

Mission Bharosa – An Attempt To Safeguard School Going Children

Mission Bharosa – An Attempt To Safeguard School Going Children :- Mission Bharosa is an attempt to protect school going children travelling in school owned vehicles, by verifying / keeping records of respective drivers. Under the plan, drivers of school-owned vehicles would have to furnish a character certificate to the administration before taking up the job. All schools have been asked to submit a detailed bio-data of drivers hired by them for school vehicles on a specified proforma and these they go through process of police verification. After verification Bar Coded Identity Cards jointly signed by R.T.O. and S.S.P. are issued to the drivers. The cards contain apart from biodata of driver, contact details of a local guarantor, who can be summoned in case of any misconduct by the driver concerned. The initiative is an attempt to curb cases of exploitation / harassment of school-going children, in the city.


For more information please visit http://www.missionbharosa.com

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