Profile of the Participants form the project area under Child Rights Protection Project, Moradabad | |
Name : Sarooj Devi | ![]() |
Husband’s Name : Shri Hari Om | |
Job : Ex-Animator,Aide-et-action | |
Address: Prakash Nagar,Linepar,Moradabad (U.P) | |
Sarooj Devi: A lady of parts, so sweet to listen, so graceful to work and so calm and patient in her thoughts. When talking about thoughts she is a perfect example of a real follower of mother Teresa. She is a real candle for all, fully dedicated to humanity. She is having utmost talent of molding behavior and personality as nobody got to know when they have adopted good habits and qualities in the company of Sarooj.
A lady who spent all of her salary to give tuition to OoS poor children by giving employment to young girls and boys of community, a lady who help everyone irrespective to caste, culture, creed, and religion. You might overlook things but this respectful lady goes through every minute things or happenings going on in community.
Sarooj joined Aide-et-action to quench her thirst of helping mankind in any form. She was assigned Prakash Nagar as an animator. After her working hours she gave tuition to poor needy children, take yoga classes of children and female group of community.
Truly speaking she is in herself an NGO who really don’t need any training for social world; she is 24*7 social helper.The height end then when one day she said she wants to resign as she want to work in other needy fields of Communities under the project, She literally enjoyed with kids.
This lady has empathy for poor and needy ones a lot although she belongs to a middle class section of society her husband is a Doctor by profession. She have everything in her home but even then she want to walk on road under the harsh rays of sun to feel the burning of those people who burn themselves in this fire every day just to earn 2 CHAPATIS………….
No matter what the situation are, this lady move like a guide from one area to another without any invitation to help anybody whether required or not…….her work is like a worship to her
Now a days, she is running a school of her own in the arms of Chamunda Mandir. Apart from this she also teach stitching, cutting, and weaving to the female section of this area, visits ANM center on an average as a part of her duty, visit door to door to mobilize all.
This lady has really helped a lot to decrease the numbero of OOS Children, molded behavior of a number of people for iodine, vitamin “A” consumption, breast feeding, safe deliveries practices, birth registration and AIDS awareness, sanitation & health…and many more issues like early child marriage etc. She also loves to train and teach mentally retarded children likewise there are various colors in this rainbow in this never dying flame of love, care, emotion, and grace. Really her work is her grace, her respect which will not stop till her last breath. Thanks to God to give this wonderful creation in the form of Sarooj Ji.
Asha Deep Foundation : Partner NGO under Child Rights Protection Project, Moradabad | |
Name : | Ms. Kavita |
Age ; | 21 Years |
Profession : | Animator, Asha Deep Foundation, Moradabd |
Contribution: | |
Children Education | Intensively worked for identification of out of school children and mainstreaming of these children to the school. Apart this supported 20 children with course (syllabus, copies) from her hard earned salary so that they continue with their studies in last academic session. Self made youth of Pandit Nagla area as she lost her father at early age and sponsored her studied with tuitions right from 8th standard and now perusing Graduation. Her future plan is to develop computer proficiency. |
Society for All Round Development : Partner NGO of Child Rights Protection Project, Moradabad | |
Name : | Ms. Zeba |
Profession : | Animator of Khwajanagri |
Ms. Zeba- Animator of Khwajanagri has maximum no. of identified 144 OoS children in Mohalla of Khwajanagri, out of which successfully enrolled 124 OoS children enrolled in school. She also coordinated and enrolled 45 children into NCLP school being run by Child Labour Department of Moradabad. Through her regular motivation in community she has successfully promoted institutional delivery and no early marriage cases being found in the area. The Khwajanagri is a slum and a part of Karula area with full muslim dominated community. She has promoted 14 birth registration of new born children and promoted 17 institutional delivery. Regular mobilization of Zeba around 285 families of the area have started consuming iodine salt and also liaison with Govt. schemes and successful in providing 4 beneficiaries of widow pension and 4 old age pension. Being a single mother and earning and supporting her whole family and fighting for a bright future for her children. |
Name : | Ms. Meena |
Age ; | 30 Years |
Profession : | House wife, member of women group formed in community |
Contribution: | |
Children Education | supported identification of out of school children in Baldevpuri area and worked for dissemination of importance of education in the community through group meetings and IPC. Supported admission of 15 out of school children through convincing parents in community. Meena is although not much literate and is only 8th class pass but she understands importance of education very well and educated her children and also worked hard with our project staff in our school enrolment campaign. She is member of “Rudra pari” women group and contributes positively in every activity. |