Uttar Pradesh IAS Association

Office Bearers

SI.No Name Designation Current Posting Batch
1 Mr. Mahesh Kumar Gupta Chairman ACS, Energy Deptt, Govt. UP 1987
2 Mr. Ranjan Kumar Secretary Secretary, Urban Development Department, UP 2000
3 Mr. Pranjal Yadav Treasurer Secretary, M.S.M.E. & Export Promotion, Hanloom & Textile & Khadi & Gramodyog Deptt., Govt. of U.P. 2006
4 Mr. Anand Singh Joint Secretary Spl. Secretary to Govt. of U.P., Miniority Welfare Deptt.,  Lucknow 2009
5 Dr. Mannan Akhtar Joint Secretary Spl. Secy Medical Health & Family Welfare Dept/State Mission Director Ayushmaan Bharat Digital Mission, UP 2011
6 Ms. Nisha Joint Secretary Secretary, Building & Others Construction Workers Welfare Board of U.P. Lucknow, 2015
7 Vipin Kumar Jain Joint Secretary Spl. Secy Geology & Mining Deptt. Govt of UP 2016