Effective public grievance redressal is the top most priority of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. The District administration Allahabad has developed a platform known as Jan Suvidha Kendra (JSK), Allahabad with the technical consultation of District Unit of National Informatic Centre (NIC), which is telephone/mobile based. It was launched in the public interest on 05 October, 2012 in the Vikas Bhawan Campus, Allahabad.
Any person from any place and at any time can call at 0532- 2548811 and 2548822 and register his grievances. A warm welcome is extended to the caller. The grievance is registered online on www.jskallahabad.com and details of the grievance are also recorded automatically as an audio file. Every complaint is assigned a unique complaint number and category depending upon the severity of the complaint : A category complaints are to be disposed within 24 hours, B category complaints are to be disposed within 3 days, C category complaints are to be disposed within 7 days, D category complaints (related to complaint against Government Servant) are to be disposed as per legal provision, E category complaints (related to complaint against Public representative) are to be disposed as per legal provision. The grievance is immediately marked to the concerned officer.
As soon as grievance is saved in the database, automatically one SMS is triggered on the mobile no. of the aggrieved person bearing details of the complaint no., category, officer to whom the complaint is marked and target date for disposal. Simultaneously one SMS is sent to the concerned officer bearing details of the mobile no. of complaint, complaint no., category and target date for disposal. Concerned officer is also intimated telephonically for immediate action. A printout of this complaint bearing scanned signature of the District Magistrate (Pink sheet for ‘A’ category complaints, Blue sheet for ‘B’ category complaints, Yellow sheet for ‘C’ category complaints, Green sheet for ‘D’ category complaints and White sheet for ‘E’ category complaints) is also sent to him through Fax/Post/Special Messenger, thus relieving the person from the pain of journey to the concenred office, saving the precious time, money, labout and also at the same time providing required attention in terms of responsiveness (while registering the grievance, while investigating the grievance and while conveying the details of disposal to the aggrieved person). Immediately complaint is also sent by e-mail automatically in the concerned officer e-mail account.
Every day one district level officer (Day officer), one clerk, two computer operators and one class VI employee assign duties in JSK to run and monitor the project in shift of eight hours each. One district manager is also posted in JSK for overall management of JSK, Allahabad. The concerned officer contacts the complainant, takes the details and after due enquiry sends the disposal report to JSK within stipulated time. If the officer is not able to disposed the complaint within stipulated time, one SMS is automatically triggered on the mobile of the officer informing him that the status of the complaint has changed from pending to defaulter and it should be resolved soon. Another SMS is sent on the mobile of complainant that his complaint is under process and would be resolved soon. Duty officer at JSK cross verify each and every disposal report by calling the aggrieved person and taking his feedback for the same. In case of dissatisfaction of the complainant the concerned officer is asked to look into it again accordingly. If the complainant still remains dissatisfied with the disposal the District Magistrate/Chairman JSK calls him in weekly monitoring meeting and talks face to face with him and concerned officer. The disposal details are entered in the software
only after satisfaction of the aggrieved person.
As soon as disposal details are entered in the software one SMS is automatically triggered on the mobile of the complainant and the officer informing about the disposal of the complaint.
Besides this, daily one SMS is automatically triggered on the mobile of concerned officers and Administrative Team of JSK informing them about the status of complaints concerning their departments and overall complaints status respectively.
From March 2013 complaints are also registered through e-mail (publicforum123@gmail.com).
When compared to other e-grievance initiatives JSK stands out distinctly for its unique, innovative and citizen friendly approach in terms of reach, cost-time-labour effectiveness, inbuilt fool proof mechanism of quality cross check and monitoring leading to efficient administration and corruption free society. Above all it ensures the satisfaction of the aggrieved persons thus strengthening the concept of e-accountability and e-democracy.
In recognition of passion and commitment for e-Governance and for aiming for the highest standards of excellence to help bring the government closer to the citizen, JSK has been awarded with prestigious NASSCOM Social Innovation Honours 2010 by NASSCOM Foundation.
Applauding this excellent effort made toward e-Governance in the country. The Computer Society of India and NIHILENT selected Jan Suvidha Kendra for CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Award 2009-10 Award of Excellence.
E-World 2011 Award was hounoured to Jan Suvidha Kendra as a distinguished global ICT initiative in the field of ICT innovation in Governance.
The Governement of Uttar Pradesh has decided to implement the Jan Suvidha Kendra model of Grievance redressal in all the districts of U.P
सभी जन सामान्य की समस्या एवं शिकायतों को विभिन्न माध्यमों से नियमित रूप से प्राप्त करने और सम्बन्धित विभाग एवं अधिकारियों द्वारा उसको संज्ञान में लेते हुए त्वरित कार्यवाही करते हुए समय के अन्दर गुणवत्तापूर्ण निराकरण करने के लिए जिला प्रशासन इलाहाबाद कटिबद्ध है।
उपरोक्त महत्वकांक्षी उद्देश्य को पूरा करने हेतु जनपद इलाहाबाद में एन0आई0सी0 इलाहाबाद के तकनीकी सहयोग से पहली बार एक अनोखा प्रयास किया गया है।
जन-सामान्य की समस्याओं का गुणवत्तापूर्वक समय के अन्दर निराकरण करना एवं प्रशासन की सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता का कार्य है।